Sunday, January 03, 2010

Year TwentyTen...Sounds nice...We'll See

A very happy new year to all !!!

So it is the year of the Tiger... and major astrology sites are all abuzz with speculation for this year Mars "ancient god of War" and "astrological ruler of Passion" is supposed to pay a visit to the equally hot blooded constellation of Leo (my-my); this year will definitely be dotted with exciting historical events....Lets just hope that its less of war and more of peace agreements.

Year 2010 has also been declared the International Year of Biodiversity With the much disputed Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change just concluded, lets hope for some definite action towards saving this planet from further damage.

Mood: Hopeful, Cheerful


  1. A very happy new year.
    well said, lets hope peace this year.
    looking forward to some interesting blogs and an introductory bolg - why blogging.


  2. quite a good start for a beginner..[am sounding like a pro!]
    lets see what 2010 brings :)
